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pediatric care

"it's easier build healthy children then to repair broken adults."

-frederick douglass

We LOVE our babies and kiddos at Restoration Health, and being a part of getting and keeping them healthy is our favorite! Read below on how we help both babies and kids with regular chiropractic care.

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Being born is kind of a big deal.


 The process of birth is a HUGE accomplishment for both baby AND mama, but the physical process can leave their tiny little bodies needing support. Birthing itself has been proven to be strenuous enough to cause misalignments at birth, resulting in baby's nervous system not functioning as optimally as it should. If left uncovered, these misalignments could become root causes for issues down the road.


Chiropractic care for newborns and infants is gentle, safe, and incredibly effective. Newborn adjustments resemble simple small, soft touches, applying light pressure to specific locations needing attention. Think of it as a chiropractic baby massage. There is no "too soon" for your baby to start being adjusted!


While starting your baby on chiropractic care as a preventative measure is ideal, chiropractic has been shown to help with:

colic & reflux

sleep difficulties

breastfeeding issues

immune support

ear infections

bowels & digestion

crawling & movement

...and so much more!




While chiropractic is often associated with adults experiencing back and neck pain, it is WILDLY effective and beneficial for our favorite type of patience....KIDDOS!


Growing up is a lot of hard work for the body, and we love giving it all the help it can get as our littles grow and develop. Instead of thinking of the spine as just bone, muscles, and ligaments, think of it as entire neurological "organ" that connects your brain to EVERY SINGLE system in the body. It's the communication highway between the brain and...well...everything else!


If the spine connects the brain to every part of your child's body, can you imagine what chiropractic care can help improve?! There's nothing more rewarding in our office than seeing our favorite little ones thrive and develop after getting under care. While getting kiddos under chiropractic care preventatively is ideal, we know that issues come up! Regular adjustments can help improve so many common childhood issues, including:

allergies & asthma



weak immune system

sensory issues

ear infections

digestive issues

chronic colds

focusing difficulties

...and many more!


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